
Ballot drop box

Vote poster

Ballots being dropped in a USPS box

Election Results November 2023




Notice is hereby given that the Plain City has (3) three 4-year council seats open. The following individuals have declared their candidacy:


City Council:

Jamie Thompson (withdrew 06.20.2023)

Chase Holmes

Jan Hadley Wilson

Miles Robinson

Adam David Favero

Jeffrey A Zitzelberger (withdrew 06.26.2023)

Rachael Beal

Melvin Buddy Sadler



I, Diane Hirschi, the City Recorder of Plain City, certify that a copy of the foregoing Election Notice was posted at Plain City Hall, on the Plain City website www.plaincityutah.org and the Utah Public Notice website at www.utah.gov/pmn on June 8, 2023.


Diane Hirschi

City Recorder